Welcome to our dermatology clinic

The Best Care,
in the Best Place.

About Us

Evangelia Papakonstantinou

Dermatologist - venereologist
Scientific associate of Hospital "A. Sygros"
Dermatology - Aesthetic Dermatology

Lia Papakonstantinou was born and raised in Athens. She is a graduate of “Arsakeios – Tositsei” Ekalis. She studied medicine at the “Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.P.Th.)”. from where she graduated with honors. She specialized in Dermatology – Venereology at “Andreas Syggros” Hospital. She then specialized in Skin Surgery at the Department of Plastic Surgery of the “Andreas Syggros” Hospital and mainly in the examination and surgical removal of moles and skin cancers. She has also been retrained in the new techniques of Aesthetic Dermatology and especially in treatments with: Botox, Hyaluronic acid, Laser, chemical Peeling and Mesotherapy. She has participated with speeches and papers in Greek, Pan-European and International Dermatology Conferences. Her interviews have been published in magazines and newspapers, and she has participated in radio and television shows.

Her social work includes speeches in schools, to high school students, on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and speeches in clubs and social groups on skin topics of general interest.

She has been a professor at the Aesthetics Department of T.E.I. Athens.

She is a Legal Practitioner, in charge of the Anti-Aphrodisiac Clinic of Regional Attica and maintains her own private practice in Galatsi, at 15-17 Veikou Avenue.

She is an active member of: ISA, the Society of Continuing Medical Education (ESIE), EDAE, Hellenic Society of Dermatology and Hellenic Pediatric Dermatology Society.

Aesthetic medicine ... science at the service of beauty

The evolution of dermatology in the field of aesthetic dermatology can significantly help to improve the texture and overall image of the skin.

So with various short, painless, but scientific procedures performed only by experienced doctors, beauty is no longer the privilege of the few.

And because a healthy face and skin helps not only to look but also to feel young and beautiful, we all owe ourselves the appropriate treatment recommended by the dermatologist.

Wrinkles are a problem that many of us face.

Time, repeated contractions of the facial muscles and constant exposure to the sun, gradually reduce the elastin and collagen that maintain the elasticity of the skin resulting in the appearance and worsening of wrinkles.

Aesthetic medicine has made enormous progress in recent years in the fight against wrinkles, and the treatments it uses have impressive results.

Hyaluronic acid implants

Alexandrite laser hair removal

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Your skin speaks..

We hear it!

Clinical dermatology