Chemical peeling

Wrinkles without a scalpel..

…for the face

This particular method is used to prevent and treat wrinkles and freckles, as well as improve acne scars. The peeling method is completely painless, takes about 2-7 minutes, depending on how sensitive the skin is, and can be applied to all ages.

To complete the treatment, 4 to 6 visits are required, depending on the size of the problem, every 2 to 4 weeks, while it is supplemented by home treatment with special creams.

The results are visible from the first week, with a gradual improvement. With the peeling, the keratinocytes of the skin are removed, while at the same time cell renewal and the synthesis of new collagen and hyaluronic acid are stimulated. In this way, wrinkles and scars are reduced, while at the same time the face becomes more elastic, smooth and shiny.